In what roles have you volunteered for Rice?
Rice Alumni Volunteer Association (RAVA), DC Rice Alumni President, and Homecoming and Reunion Chair.
Why do you volunteer for Rice?
We loved our experience as students. We have stayed in touch with our friends over the years. Through the ARA, our Rice family has grown to include alumni from all over the country and across years. We feel at home with our DC Rice Alumni family and want to welcome new students and their families to our Rice family.
What do you enjoy most about volunteering at Rice?
The sense of community we have.
What's a fun Rice fact about you?
As a high schooler, I begged my Dad to let me go to A&M. I am thankful that he insisted that I stay in Houston. If I hadn't gone to Rice, Ken and I wouldn't have met.
Why should others volunteer for Rice?
Our love and appreciation for Rice and our community has only grown through the years. It's wonderful to stay in touch with all the changes on campus and to share and hear memories we have when we were students. As the residential colleges are more than dorms, we are more than an alumni network. We are family, here to support each other wherever you land.