Gateway OwlConnect Panelists

Gateway OwlConnect Panelists attend OwlConnect events specific to your industry, at which you speak with a small group of undergraduates about your career journey. Answer questions from the students about your everyday work, industry topics, and the link between academic and career choices. The time commitment is 1-2 hours and lunches are held year-round on campus.

Gateway Practica Partner

Gateway Practica Partners serve as a sponsor for the on-site component of one of our professional practica. Our practica are focused in consulting and finance. Practica sponsors provide a structured and meaningful on-site experience that requires demonstrated application of the student’s academic skills.  

Our practica are designed to provide social sciences undergraduates the opportunity to explore what careers look like while receiving the academic support of our faculty through guided research projects that directly correlate with their on-site work. Partners are asked to commit to 10 hours a week for the practica.


Gateway Practica Mentor

Gateway Practica mentors work with a small group of students who are participating in the consulting practicum. Mentors are asked to provide guidance on how to approach the project assignment and help students to develop goals and deliverables to bring back to their clients. Mentors are asked to commit to three meetings, offered throughout the semester, as their schedule allows.

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